(Released: 20 Desember 2018)
- Improved browser integration modules
- Fixed a problem with the interception of several types of downloads from browsers and from some file sharing web sites
- Added support of UTF-8 (for non-latin characters) in authorization for web and proxy servers
- Fixed critical bugs in IDM scheduler
- Fixed other bugs
- Adapted the user interface for Unicode characters for all versions of Windows
- Added the possibility to translate IDM into all languages not previously supported
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed problems with downloading for several types of video streams
- Fixed the problems with Firefox and Google Chrome integration caused by some security applications
- Improved download engine
- Fixed problems with video recognition for several types of web sites
- Improved video recognition in web players
- Added support of Unicode only languages to latest Windows 10
- Fixed compatibility problems with foreign language translations when using “Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support” feature of Windows 10
- Fixed a critical bug
- Improved audio/video recognition in web player
- Added support for Firefox 61, 62
- Fixed a critical security bug
- Improved video downloading for several types of video streams
- Added support for Firefox 60
- Improved download engine
- Improved video recognition in web player
- Improved proxy/socks settings
- Added support for Firefox 59
- Added a new extension for a full-fledged integration with Microsoft Edge browser
- Improved proxy server settings, added a possibility to use system proxy settings
- Improved download engine
- Improved Firefox integration
- Added support of https proxy servers. It’s possible to make VPN connections via https proxy servers by using proxy.pac files
- Fixed problems with https downloading via proxy servers with Digest authentication
- Added support for Firefox 57, 58
- Added compatibility with Windows 10 Preview build 16257
- Improved IDM download engine
- Fixed problems with video recognition for several types of web sites
- Fixed bugs in downloading several types of video streams
- Fixed problems with video recognition for several types of web sites
- Fixed critical bugs in IDM executable file and in browser integration modules
- Resolved problems with downloading videos embedded on 3d party websites
- Fixed critical bugs in browser integration modules
- Fixed problem with erroneous interceptions of files in Firefox
- Improved IDM download engine
- Added a feature to the settings of schedulers to go into sleep mode or hibernate when downloading is done
- Improved “download panel” view on high DPI displays
- Fixed problems with Chinese captions on the “Download panel”
- Fixed problems with video recognition for several types of web sites
- Improved IDM download engine
- A new type of extension for Firefox (webextension) has been created that supports multiprosess Firefox feature (e10s)
- Added support for Firefox 53, 54, 55
Cara Instal IDM
- Download IDM Gratis ini dan ekstrak file
- Jika sebelumnya pc anda sudah terinstal IDM, silahkan uninstall lalu bersihkan registry dengan ccleaner.
- Jalankan installernya dan ikuti proses instalasi sampai selesai.
- Setelah proses instalasi selesai, jangan dulu masuk ke dalam program IDM.
- Lalu buka task manager dan lihat tab processes, pastikan tidak ada servis dari idm yang masih jalan. Jika ada, silahkan end process pada servis idm yang masih berjalan tersebut.
- Buka folder patch, lalu copy pastekan file patch ke dalam folder instalasi IDM di pc atau laptop anda.
- Jalankan file patch dengan cara klik kanan >> run as administrator.
- Klik patch, isikan data yang diminta dengan bebas.
- Done.
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